Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Weight Watchers HERE I COME!

So I think maybe.... j u s t m a y b e ...... I have realized I need to get my butt into Weight Watchers- and really make it a lifestyle not something just to get on for a few months to lose weight . So you know how when you feel your eating is completely out of control and you feel like a total idiot for going to the fridge yet again when you know its not going to be a pretty outcome? How many of us just say to ourselves "THIS IS IT! This is the last hoorah, the last day to splurge because tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your skinny life"? I feel like I've been saying that for the last three months. Its always scarry and its always a question of whether or not you can do it.... I just can't keep telling myself "tomorrow I will start" because it never happens. So tonight I am going to Weight Watchers at 6pm. There is a meeting tomorrow at 7pm at a place closer, but this is desperation setting in and I am willing to drive further tonight to jump start it TONIGHT. I've done WW in the past, but the last time I was on (in Sept.) I was on a roll (6lbs in 1.5 wks) so I thought it would be even better to throw a personal trainer in the mix as well. Ummm... no. I ended up getting someone who thought "Don't use WW Just eat protein, protein, protein and don't worry about the fat grams!!!" So I got off of it- I did tone up, but the scale didn't budge much (I'm sure I did lose a few lbs of fat that turned into muscle, but mentally I really needed to see the scale move).
So long story short I am going to keep updates on the blog to document my WW journey as well as documenting my life in general. Please wish me luck, cross your fingers, keep me in your prayers, show support or anything else you can possibly think of- I'm going to need all I can get!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! I completely understand about the trips to the fridge. Especially when you know there is absolutely nothing in there, but you still open the door & stand there & look. *sigh*
    I'm with ya sister!
