Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I actually have followers!
I just noticed something today.... I had to make a quick post today and say how happy I am that you girlies take a few moments out of your day to look at my posts! Granted I only have five of you, but you guys made me so happy.... thanks so much for reading my random posts!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Dream home inspiration:)
These pics were taken while on a nice day trip into Charlotte (we live up by Lake Norman 30mins north). My mother is in town and due to the fact that I desperately needed the roots touched up at my salon I decided to show momma around the Dilworth neighborhood. SO ADORABLE! There really isn't one house I don't like around there- even the Starbucks is located in a quaint bungalow. The streets are lined with huge trees and its so kid friendly too.
For those not familiar with Dilworth- it pretty much (pardon me being blunt here) means you have lots and lots of mulah to spend on a house. Most homes start at $500k for a bungalow. One thing that I noticed immediately after moving here is just how friendly everyone is... regardless of how much money you make or what your job is.... It's pretty darn refreshing. I'm from the south and even still Charlotte amazes me with the hospitality around here.
My mother and I also decided to stop by the Cottage Chic store that I posted about earlier. Its very cute and located in a little bungalow on East street (where there are a lot of little shops). The shop is actually owned by three girls who are very sweet and were very helpful. I must say they have great gifts to buy for special occassions, but the furniture is a little pricey ($1080 for a small side table). I ended up FALLING IN LOVE with this scent below and both momma and I each picked up a bottle to bring home (Hey if you can't afford the big stuff at least get a small item, right?)
This is my new scent that I am currently in love with: Mangosteen by Fresh!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
My current desire...
Baby Fever
The baby fever is definitely setting in! And that of course brings with it a bounty of questions about whether or not we are anywhere near ready for a bundle of joy. Hubbs being six years older then me would have liked to have one YESTERDAY lol Although if I got pregnant now I would be of course over the moon- I get these questions running through my mind and can't seem to find the right answers for them:
The baby is forever- that cute baby will grown into an angstful teen..
I know I haven't accomplished all I need to in life as far as career goes- how will I do this with a baby on my hip?
Can we really afford a baby? I know this is such a common fear, but really who doesn't have that fear with this economy?
No more spontaneous trips- not like we do a ton of those anyways, but its nice knowing we have the freedom.
My body. I'm so out of shape and out of control with my eating now- I will more look like a blimp then a pregnant woman lol I know this is so irrational, but I truly want to be a really in shape mom and do not want to pass along my body issues to my child.
Another thing to take into account is that I do not know if these questions are my age popping up or simply the common insecure moments every woman has when thinking about a baby. I'm in my mid twenties- my hubbs and all of our friends are in their early thirties... All my life I have been much older for my age and actually get along better with my older girlfriends then most girls my age. I just wonder could this finally be my age playing into my decision or what?
Then I take another look at us and our little family that could be.... Hubbs will be a fabulous father and I know we would be amazing parents. We are such nesters and would love to be involved with our child and showing him or her all about life. I love the idea of people who do not change their life for their child, but welcome their child into their life and make it work.
I feel a lot better getting all this off my chest-still confused as all hell, but better- I'm off to get supplies for the LKN Jr.s meeting tonight and go for a walk with the poodles.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Let them eat cake! A dose of inspiration

Monday, April 13, 2009
Cottage Chic is within reach!

Leftover peeps vs. the treadmill and daily musings
This weekend was a ton of fun! Friday night was very mellow- just a relaxing night in with me and the hubbs. Saturday night I went with the girls from the horse barn to downtown Charlotte for the Charlotte Jumper Classic. We ate at Brixx ( I had a great salad, but can't remember the name of it) and then headed over to Time Warner Arena where the Charlotte Bobcats play. This show attracted a ton of Olympic riders like McClain Ward, Beezie Madden, and Rodrigo Pessao. The night finished up with the Puissance- which is a jumping competition where they use this HUGE wall and whoever gets over it without knocking it down wins $25,000! I took a picture of one of the riders (actually her name is Georgina Bloomberg= yeah, like the same Georgina Bloomberg, daughter of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg). This picture actually shows the height of the wall in comparison with the horse and rider.
Sunday I went back to the competition with the hubbs and watched the Grand Prix with a purse of $450,000! First place went to Rodrigo Pessao- he ended up with a nice days work taking home $112,000! Hubbs really enjoyed it too! We had the best frozen margarita there too- so yummy!
So tonight was an inner duel between eating leftover Easter peeps or showing my treadmill some love. The peeps won.
I ended up sitting here watching TV completely drowning in my sorrows over eating the entire bag of peeps. Honestly, they are good, but they are NOT thaaaaaaaaaaat good. Ugh to have self control would have been useful before I tore into that sugar fest.
Lately I have been a little down and cannot really seem to get a grip on what exactly I'm bumming about... I think my weight is definitely up there on the bummer list. Moving out of state from FL to NC definitely was stressful, and not being used to the cold weather and wanting to go work out did have an impact. Really though all of this is just excuses for not going out and just getting my butt working out!
Lately I have been a little down and cannot really seem to get a grip on what exactly I'm bumming about... I think my weight is definitely up there on the bummer list. Moving out of state from FL to NC definitely was stressful, and not being used to the cold weather and wanting to go work out did have an impact. Really though all of this is just excuses for not going out and just getting my butt working out!
Also working from home is definitely getting to me- I'm not getting enough outside stimulation at all. I need to get some volunteer work under my belt not only to do good in the community, but also get out and be around more activity.
What is really funny is that I got totally inspired by a commercial spotlighting the state of Michigan and the light houses there. It starts off by saying how many mornings the average American has in his or her lifetime- WHOA wake up call! I definitely can't be taking life for granted- its time to get out and live it!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Spring in the south is such a wonderful time of year! I'm so excited to experience all the seasons up here in NC. It just makes you feel alive! I've been a busy girl since my last post. Friday I didn't stop all day- I was a productive bee! I ran a ton of errands and Friday night was supper club with all the girlies. We did a Mexican/southwest theme. I made some burritos that didn't turn out as well as I wanted (needed more sauce), Nicole made a great southwest chop salad, Aimee brought yummy southwest chicken rolls as an appetizer, Keesha brought this YUMMY sweet cornmeal thingy- not sure what it was called even though she told me three times- but it was good! Yasmine brought a bean salad and Caroline made some Empanadas (sp?). Its always good to get with the girls and catch up. Yasmine is due in the next 5 weeks! I can't believe in a little over a month baby Jaxon will be here... I can't wait to see him.
Backtracking to Thursday night- Dan asked me to make some sort of sweet treat for his employees for doing such a good job at work. So I got all Martha Stewart and made adorable cupcakes! I used the Magnolia bakery recipe for the cupcake, bought store bought vanilla frosting (after the last frosting debacle I didn't dare make my own), green pastel sprinkles, and placed three pastel colored almonds on them. I then got green paper and cut it up for grass and put it in a brown paper chinese box from Michaels and tied with a bow. They were so cute!
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