Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Two posts in one day... I'm on a roll people

I'm as shocked as probably the one person who reads my blog... yes.. two posts in one day. Actually I wanted to make note of how proud I am of actually starting to purchase Christmas gifts early. I have so far purchased perfume for someone yet unknown (I got a great groupon so some lucky family member will be getting new perfume... just need to figure out who and what to get them... I don't want to be one of those gift givers who gives perfume or cologne to someone... and they have to wallow in spritzing it on Christmas morning and gagging from the smell of something that they may hate- gulp.) I also found a cute Hello Kitty lap top case for my cousin at Best Buy. I don't get Hello Kitty. Just don't get it.
My next goal? Keeping the train rolling so by December I am not freaking about getting gifts for everyone, having a mild seizure every time I look at my bank account, oh you know... the Holidays, right? And if I want to be super impressive... maybe even wrap the gifts with special finesse. I really wish I could be a Martha when it comes to wrapping, but its always a little too much tape and a little too less wrapping paper. I can dream right? (that last sentence gives me a great idea for future posts... hmm... I'm all sorts of creative today lol)

I don't wannnna title.

Can I say just how sick I am of picking out a title post? I think I am just going to veto them. Although I blog stalk every morning while inhaling my a.m. jolt of coffee, I realize I give little support to my own little corner of blogdom. Goal today is to post pics of the kitchen finished... hopefully clean...no promises.