Friday, January 28, 2011

The kitchen...

What have we been up to? Nothing much... you know... just completely renovating our kitchen and eating nothing but microwave food. In all seriousness though we had bought our farmhouse with a nice maple custom cabinet kitchen- great, right? Great if I didn't spend my days lusting after a white kitchen with stainless appliances. I can't wait to show you guys what it looks like when its all finished. We still won't have our gorgeous granite counter tops for awhile since that should set us back a cool $3500. Ugh. I have to keep the faith though- it should be amazing when its done.
Don't you love my chic taste in clothes and accessories? Try hard not to be too jealous.

The hubby putting up bead board on peninsula and island. Have I never mentioned how much I loathe the sound of a nail gun? Scares the living you know what out of me.

Hubby finally talked me into buying a better paint sprayer. $$$ later and I have to admit thank God we had it!
The current state of my living room, except now I have lovely contractor sheets laying over the cabinets.

Do you ever wonder how much crap you actually have in your house? Well take a look.... this was all just from my kitchen. Do I have a problem with glassware and kitchen gadgets? Maybe... the first step is admitting you have a problem, right?
Look at this beauty above! My hubby's high school mug. I can't tell you how many high school and college T-shirts and collectibles he has... and God forbid a T-shirt "happen" to disappear... he may not have worn it in years, but believe me he knows when its missing.

Coming together! More pics to follow!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

So I was thinking..

I am thinking of actually taking this blog (or lack of blog or blogging) in a new direction. I am really shooting for a new, healthier me in 2011 and I think I need my blog to reflect that new journey. I think I am going to focus my blog more on clean eating and living a purposeful life with a dash of fashion and home thrown in here and there *because really if I could wake up tomorrow and be Martha I would. I also have been inspired by all the girls who blog so honestly and up front and I feel maybe I never crossed that bridge on this blog.. it was more random musings with not much depth. Time for a change.