Just to give the heads up on what our current situation is... We have a home in FL that we purchased two years ago. Hubbs got an opportunity to get a promotion (yes I did say a promotion in this day and age!) in Charlotte, NC. We had been wanting to move to Charlotte for a few years. We had friends here and we loved the area. My parents came up and took a look at the area and loved it as well. Long story short we rented out our home in FL to a nice older lady and are staying right now at the lake house my parents rented for a year (on Lake Norman). So you might be thinking how completely spoiled this sounds, but although its SO nice to be on a lake- we want our own place! We are so happy to finally be in an area where we see ourselves living and raising a family that it kills us not to have our own "home" here. The lake house is a lake house and living here in the winter is not too fun (we spend more time looking at the lake than being on it lol). We found the perfect house in a great community that will even let us have our beloved Lola (we would never move anywhere where we could not have her...being even a half pit many subdivisions won't allow her:( So we figured we could completely afford payments on this house with us putting $10k down and getting a "gift" or more like a loan from my parents for $10k. We went through the preliminary approval process and we were....
Yay! Ok so keeping up with my credit cards has eventually paid off! The only thing is its such a big step! Yes, its a big gulp to have two homes with our names on the mortgage, but we were actually one of the smart people who purchased a home we could afford and did not get a crazy ARM that would double our payments in five years. It just is such a pain that we cannot sell our home in a market filled with foreclosures from people who made bad decisions. So we move on with our life and look forward with what might come...
My next dilema comes with living in a subdivision. I've never lived in one and hate the idea of HOA's, but I want my kids to be able to go ride their bikes and grow up with other kids in the neighborhood. I actually want that sense of community.... so we shall see what happens. Right now the housing situation seems to consume us lol
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