Rosemary, Lemon Thyme, Mint, Basil, and Parsley
So after coming to the conclusion that just about every recipe on calls for fresh herbs I though that I might as well grown my own. So lets all just say a little prayer that they don't end up like the rest of my plants (I'm sure everyone knows how that story ends). SO FAR SO GOOD. Lola bean even decided to get in on the picture- she sends her love ! I then noticed as I was watering my way too pricey hanging ferns (I mean $20 for a fern? Really...?) A bird flew out and on closer inspection we have five little eggs in a nest. As cute as it is.. now I have to find a way to water my fern and not water the nest lol.
Today I woke up in all my cold sick glory (still sick:( and dropped my momma off at the airport- I seriously get light headed driving down Billy Graham Parkway to Charlotte Douglas Airport... I don't do well with flying... even dropping and picking people off makes me uneasy. Although it started after 9/11- I'm not so much scared of terrorists as I am a plane going down and me having no control- I'm a tad bit of a controller if you haven't gotten that already. I then came home and started looking into where weight watcher meetings are around me- Its time for me to be accountable for my eating and ww does work- I just need to be committed to being committed.
I wish I had taken some pics the past few days as it has been sunny and beautiful at the lake... I actually got really good color and it felt great to have a tan! Now its been overcast and I can see the color going= I'm going to the tanning bed... I know its soooo bad, but I'm like an addict that just got a taste of some color and I need more!
Also ended up watching Slumdog Millionaire this weekend- very good!
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