Thursday, June 11, 2009

WHAT?! You are kidding me, right?

***Disclaimer: I apologize for the caps ahead of time***
So yes this post did merit the title. I'm totally bummed! I went to weigh in at my WW meeting tonight and I was dreading it... I have been traveling for the past four days on top of being completely stressed out with a house closing coming up and getting by business straightened out (Even though I THOUGHT I ate decently this past week- I only had one pretty fattening meal- and that was my meal I give myself once every two weeks for a treat). So I tell the woman how I'm dreading getting on this scale and you know how you give the person on the other side the whole story about how you thought you were doing good, but maybe you weren't, but you are praying the numbers aren't going to kill you. The numbers DON'T LIE. But what was truly shocking is after I got off the scale I asked if I had gained, and the woman politely said "you are slightly up." So I walk out the door (I skipped the meeting as I was late for a movie night with my hubbs) look at my numbers and DIE. LITERALLY DIE (in my best Rachel Zoe voice) Can someone please explain to me how I gained 1.8 pounds back?! Ok so I was seriously thinking maybe .5 might be appropriate, but 1.8- is this a cruel joke? Hubbs was so good and supportive and was telling me it was either water weight or maybe my treat dinner really did do me in (my Pad Thai was so spicey it was down right giving me heartburn as we were eating it- God, looking back was it even worth it? lol) or maybe because my hormones have been all out of whack since changing pills (I know I know...TMI) But I told him not to make excuses for me. I had slacked. I had not been measuring to the T like I should and lets not take into account all the "bites" I took of his food.
So I'm back to 5.4 lbs instead of 7.2lbs. Well, that settles it. I am going to get all Weight Watcher nazi on myself and get back on track. My goal is to lose not only the 1.8lbs I gained, but lose another 2lbs. I will let you know how it goes... ugh the suckiness that will be my week.

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel. When you're traveling it is really hard to be sure of what you're eating & how it will count.
    You can do it!

    I don't know what happened, but your posts weren't showing up in my reader, so I went back through your older ones I've missed.

    Good luck wiht closing!
