Sunday, June 21, 2009

WW and my guilt. A very honest post.

So I have been not wanting to post this for the past week because I am completely out of control! Ever since I last posted of my 1.8lb gain I can't seem to kick my ass into gear and get back on the bandwagon. I don't want to make excuses for myself, but we are closing on a house this week, Dan is interviewing like crazy (nothing yet, but a 2nd interview on Thurs), and we BOTH had a major fall out with my mother (it could be a novel seriously- that will be a separate post).
Ugh I was so proud of myself and now I feel once again like an out of control food addict. I know everyone tells me not to be so hard on myself, and I truly do not go around whining to everyone about this so my blog is my only outlet. I know the issue with my mother is seriously affecting my eating habits. She was so pissed off she flew off to Boston for the week (thank God because Dan and I could not take anymore) and is flying back in tonight. Subsequently I have already had TWO- YES- TWO huge handfuls of those chocolate covered peanut candies called Goobers. I don't even really like them ! lol
I think what I am going to do is go in and talk to my WW meeting leader. She is in her mid 30s and seems so down to earth and cool. I actually didn't even weigh in this week because I knew how bad it was going to be...
Sorry for the debbie downer post... I have to get on the bandwagon and putting my eating out there into blog world makes me feel some what accountable for my diet. Thanks for listening!

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel. Food is a stress reliever for me - I wish that it weren't. I have to make very conscious efforts not to keep food around that I can just snack on.
    Most of time time, I'm ok, but yesterday a co-worker brought in Moon Pies. And I DON'T even like them! But I still ate one. :(

    You're ok to let it out. This is what it is here for.
