Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Little Miss Perfect

So I'm watching the WE Tv show "Little Miss Perfect" and I'm so undecided on what I think about these pagents. I know you can't judge the whole industry on a reality tv show, but its so hard not too. Then you have to take the other side of it and look at how many intelligent ladies have come out of beauty pagents to be actresses, TV anchors, etc etc..... I still don't know is tough enough without having to be "literally" judged on your talent and looks. If you listen to every parent on this show they all talk about how special their children reminds me of Donald Trump in his new book (I'm reading it and even forgot the name, maybe theres a reason?haha), but he has a segment in the book about how we are a generation of "special children". Our whole lives we were told how special we are, how our parents gloated about the honor classes we were in, and how we were going to be something amazing. The interesting thing is that many parents failed to tell us how the hell we were going to get there lol! The cold reality in Donald Trump's world is how we aren't all special and we aren't all going to become something great... kinda depressing, huh? Anyways whether you agree with it or not is besides the point... pagents fall in the category of "to each his own"... do what you will, but I don't know if I would want my little girl's dreams to be wrapped up in becoming "Little Miss Perfect".

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